Shift to a proactive approach in your healing journey

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We will cover the following topics:

Most common questions – and not so common!

How trauma and stress are connected to HPV.

Empowerment: taking your health into your own hands.

Join me while we break paradigms and conundrums about HPV

What you might hear from other doctors

➤ “Wait and see if cancer develops.”

➤ “You can’t get rid of HPV.”

➤ “HPV is caused by exposure.”

➤ “Just take AHCC and it will go away.”

Dr. Doni’s proactive approach

➤ Don’t wait! Prevent abnormal cells now.

➤ You CAN get HPV to negative and keep it that way.

➤ It’s not about exposure, we are most all exposed. It is about supporting your body to protect you from HPV.

➤ Success cases take a holistic health approach, including recovery from stress.

Above and Beyond

The feedback we get every time I teach is that I go above and beyond to empower you and give you valuable information you won’t easily find anywhere else.

And that it’s more valuable than the other paid things people are joining out there that are filled with misinformation. I’ve got you covered!

And remember, it’s very important to keep a positive attitude and vibration! This will help you mentally and physically through your healing journey.

Don't wait any longer and join today the


You will learn

Steps you can take to prevent HPV causing cancer
How to fully understand your pap results
What it means when you have "abnormal cells"
What HPV is and what it can cause
What % of women with HPV clear it within 2 years
What makes you susceptible to HPV
Steps you can take to prevent HPV causing cancer

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Meet Dr. Doni

I’m so glad to meet you, and hope I have the opportunity to help you get HPV to negative and keep it that way.

I look at my life, training, and clinical experience and see that everything has led me to be helping millions of women around the world to stop HPV from causing cancer.

I am here to empower women to know it is possible to protect yourself from this virus. No matter your age, how long you’ve had the virus, and no matter which type of HPV, it is possible.

Even though you likely haven’t heard that from your practitioners, that’s because they were not trained to identify why you are susceptible and to address those causes.

I have deep gratitude for all the women who trusted me with their health over the past two decades, because it is through helping them that I discovered what works to help others.

And it is not about avoiding sex or feeling ashamed. To the contrary! It is about embracing your true self, and what your human body needs in order to be healthy and protect you from this opportunistic virus.

I’ve worked with the most severe and complex cases - women with high risk strains of HPV for over 20 years, including women who’ve been through surgeries to remove abnormal cells and still had the virus.

It is success case after success case that gives me the confidence to say that it is possible for you too. I just need to guide you down the same path, and implement the same steps, doses, and approaches that I did for those women.

We call it the Heroine’s Journey. If you are ready to begin the journey for yourself and your future, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office and allow us to show you the way.

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