HPV Workshop happening in...

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Free Live Workshop

Join us for the next Heal HPV Workshop
July 24, 25, and 26

at 7 PM Eastern Time

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Here’s what we’re going to cover during this

Live Worldwide Workshop


  • What your pap results mean
  • What your doctor is likely not telling you about being HPV positive
  • What are the risks of being positive for a high risk type of HPV
  • Myths about HPV that may be preventing you from clearing it
  • How a holistic approach can help you clear HPV, once and for all
  • What is making you susceptible to HPV
  • How becoming your own best health advocate empowers you to heal

"Women go through so much confusion and fear related to HPV, and often on their own. I'm here to change that situation - to create a safe space to learn and be proactive."

~ Dr. Doni

Join the Worldwide Workshop remotely, with any device, from anywhere in the world!

And get access to unique information that you won't find anywhere else!


This LIVE workshop with me, Dr. Doni, will give you the opportunity to learn everything you need to know about HPV, your pap results, and what you can do to heal. 

We will be diving deep into what it takes to heal, including testimonials from women just like you!

I don't want you to miss this opportunity to set yourself on a path to freedom from HPV!


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Dr. Doni has been helping thousands of women recover from HPV over the past 24 years. Find some of their stories below:

"SUCCESS!! I want to say thank you in doing the work you do! I just received the call that I am CLEAR of HPV! I was able to avoid surgery that would have given me even more complications. I have lost 14 pounds and have gained a new healthy lifestyle with your support and guidance. I am so glad you exist! THANK YOU!"

- C. M.

"I took Dr. Doni’s HPV course late last year - I've been working on myself and just got the results of my recent Pap test showing I'm clear of abnormal cells! I can't thank Dr. Doni enough for her information that helped me take action!"

- R. D.

"I participated in the Heal HPV Workshop and realized I wanted to work with you. You gave me hope to know there was something I could do. I followed your protocol - you guided me every step of the way. My next pap and colposcopy, just 3 months later, was completely clear - no abnormal cells, no HPV".

- H.M.

"I had been testing positive for HPV for several years, and my doctor was suggesting a hysterectomy. I followed your protocol and participated in your HPV Program, and within 4 months, my repeat pap was completely normal - negative for abnormal cells and negative for HPV. It feels like a dark cloud is lifted off of you!! I shed tears of joy".

- S.N.

"I know I may have faced a far more dire situation had I not consulted with Dr. Doni. I hope that this protocol reaches more women so they know they have other options. Surgery is generally traumatizing and doesn't address the root cause. It is far more empowering as a woman to know you have the tools available to heal and that we can educate and heal each other".

- A.C.

"2 days ago I got the pap and HPV result - HPV negative. I was so happy to see that all the hard work brought me such a beautiful result. I wanted to thank you so much. I am happy that I found you - amazing woman who knows the way to talk to the body in the language it understands. Thank you so much, again and again. You are my inspiration”.

- L.I.

"It is such a huge relief to receive my normal pap and colposcopy results after following your protocol. And HPV is negative! This past year has been so challenging, but now it is all worth it. Thank you so much! I feel very relieved".

- D.V.

"I got my newest report and was told I am all clear! I had stage 2 pre-cancer cells on my cervix and HPV. I want to tell you that I got my newest report and was told I am all clear! No HPV, nothing. Thank you so much!!"

- R.M.

Meet Dr. Doni

I’m so glad to meet you, and hope I have the opportunity to help you get HPV to negative and keep it that way.

I look at my life, training, and clinical experience and see that everything has led me to be helping millions of women around the world to stop HPV from causing cancer.

I am here to empower women to know it is possible to protect yourself from this virus. No matter your age, how long you’ve had the virus, and no matter which type of HPV, it is possible.

Even though you likely haven’t heard that from your practitioners, that’s because they were not trained to identify why you are susceptible and to address those causes.

I have deep gratitude for all the women who trusted me with their health over the past two decades, because it is through helping them that I discovered what works to help others.

And it is not about avoiding sex or feeling ashamed. To the contrary! It is about embracing your true self, and what your human body needs in order to be healthy and protect you from this opportunistic virus.

I’ve worked with the most severe and complex cases - women with high risk strains of HPV for over 20 years, including women who’ve been through surgeries to remove abnormal cells and still had the virus.

It is success case after success case that gives me the confidence to say that it is possible for you too. I just need to guide you down the same path, and implement the same steps, doses, and approaches that I did for those women.

We call it the Heroine’s Journey. If you are ready to begin the journey for yourself and your future, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office and allow us to show you the way.

© 2024 Dr. Doni Wilson | www.doctordoni.com

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